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Forum • Moselle Stand-Alone IDE Alpha release #8 now available--free.
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Moselle Stand-Alone IDE Alpha release #8 now available--free.

Posted: Wed Mar 01, 2017 4:56 pm
by forum
This release adds extensive support for stereo (and more generally, multi-channel: 2 or more channel) buses and output:

-- Stereo output is now supported.

-- The Delay module now supports panning and a second output.

-- A set of general-purpose functions to create multichannel buses, break out channels, sum buses to mono, pan in stereo, and so on.

-- Most modules accept multi-channel inputs, in which case they produce multi-channel outputs.

-- Not only audio signals are multi-channel: control signals are too.

This last feature allows you to do things such as: apply a stereo constant to an LFO for its frequency, magically making the LFO stereo. The stereo LFO output, used for vibrato, magically makes the pitch calculations stereo. The oscillator using that pitch calculation then magically goes stereo.

In addition the following changes were made that aren't related to stereo:

-- Added hyperfuntion SumVoices() function that should replace Patch:VoiceOutput

-- Improved many error messages

-- Patch:Output renamed to Patch:Result

-- Delay:OutputWet renamed to Output

-- Oscilloscope works again for displaying full notes (stopped working during a performance optimization in the past)

-- Moselle can now be installed anywhere in the file system.

Find out more, and get the free download, at moselle-synth.com .