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Forum Discussions about the Moselle Software Synthesizer 2017-04-09T14:24:44 http://moselle-synth.com/forum/feed.php?f=20&t=48 2017-04-09T14:24:44 2017-04-09T14:24:44 http://moselle-synth.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=48&p=66#p66 <![CDATA[Alpha-09 proj 20something of 56: Delay Done; now Envelope]]>
I've finished all the tweaks of the Delay, which is now about 30% re-written. It can be over 4x faster now, if you're using it for something simple (lots of taps with fixed times, such as a reverb). It has a new panning mode.

Now I'm working on the Envelope. Everything is too boring to go into, except to say that it will all work just a little better or have slightly better output.

Statistics: Posted by forum — Sun Apr 09, 2017 2:24 pm
