Here's how:
To convert to 4-bit, reduce the input to one of 2^4 levels. Note values are normally -1 to 1, so we multiply and divide by 8 not 16. The .5 makes it symmetrical, in this case giving an output of 0 for inputs ranging from [-.0625 to +.0625).
Input = floor( Oscillator:Ouput * 8 + .5 ) / 8
To convert processing speed to 1/4 of actual speed, try something like:
Input = IF( Patch:SampleCount \ 4, Input@1, Oscillator:Output )
Input@1 is the value of this input one sample ago. The SampleCount goes up 1 every sample. The \ 4 means "take the remainder from dividing by 4." Result: every fourth input will actually be set from the oscillator output, but the remainder of the time the input is simply what the input was last sample.Statistics: Posted by forum — Wed Jan 31, 2018 12:24 pm